Thursday, January 14, 2010

Some Things Never Change or Now is the Time for Less Stress.

I'm not as good at this blog thingy as I thought I'd be.
My baby boy is now 3 months old and looks like a little man. The sisters have pink eye and refuse to believe they are sick. I still work as a cashier in the grocery store and hubby is in grad school, trying to line up his internship.
I have less stress in my life, not because I am doing less. I do just as much now as I was before baby was born, even more. I have been known to wake the girls up at much past midnight thirty to clean up their messes they "didn't get to" before they went to bed. I have to make lunch for the baby while I am at work. (Actually, I have done that for each of his sisters as well,) and there is a surplus in the freezer. Yay me! That means he will never have to have formula. It is less stressful because I know he's not going to get sick with anything I get because he's getting breastmilk. I don't know about you, but I've been sitting in the same closet (because it's the only room without a camera and/or window) to make a bottle at least once per shift that I work. It's not my favorite part of the day, that would be when baby wakes up and I take him back to bed with me at 6 am to feed him, but it helps us both out. I get quirky looks from co-workers and sometimes even some daring soul makes a snarky remark. Whatever! I can take it. I have three other times. Bring it! I was even made aware of a Utah state law that requires employers to allow nursing mothers extra breaks to take care of business. (In addition to the regularly scheduled breaks). How nice is that? I get extra time off my feet!
The younger sisters are both sick. They have pink eye and colds. Grandpa's birthday is tomorrow and they won't get to go because of it. I don't know how to let them down easily, but they can't go and infect my nieces and nephews. It's going to break their little hearts. Biggest sister will be the only one who gets to go. The others will stay home with Daddy while I go to work. He's so good at the daddy thing. the kids adore him! I think it makes him HOT!
Biggest sister is in Kindergarten and she loves Loves LOVES it! I can't get her to not love it. and she loves to read. I can't believe how much she has learned in 4 months. She's learning things in Kindergarten that I only remember learning in the first or second grade. Certainly not in Kindergarten.